Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Two-Phase Orthodontics

Orthodontists today can successfully correct most problems regardless of the patient’s age. But that does not mean that the orthodontic treatment starting age does not matter. In fact, it may play a significant role in the total time and expenses required for the completion of the orthodontic treatment.

Two-phase orthodontic treatment is a specialized process that involves facial and jaw changes along with straightening teeth.  This process allows Drs. Quest and Johnson to create a healthy functional smile with results that remain stable after treatment.

Two-phase orthodontics starts with interceptive orthodontic care. This is a process where Drs. Quest and Johnson intercept an oral problem before it gets out of hand. Typically, treatment starts with younger children in order to shift teeth, manipulate growth, create space for unerupted teeth, and break habits before it is too late. If a child's bite problems require intervention, Drs. Quest and Johnson can use a variety of appliances to change the rate, direction or amount of jaw growth in order to avoid more invasive approaches in the future. The best age for this interceptive treatment is between 7 and 10 years old. Once a majority of the adult teeth have erupted, the second phase of treatment can begin.

If you are interested in learning more about Two-Phase Orthodontics, contact our Mooresville orthodontic office. We love answering questions and providing a solid foundation of information to those who are interested in treatment for their children or themselves.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Adjusting to Your New Braces

You may or may not be excited about having braces, but regardless, we know you will totally be thrilled with the result of your new smile.  As with any change, adjusting to something new can be a little overwhelming at times, so we are here to help with a few tips on adjusting to your new braces.

Tip #1:  Give Yourself Time - Your braces may not be what you expected, but after a while, when your teeth start shifting you will notice how incredible your tooth alignment and smile look. Initially, your braces may feel like they stick out. This is normal. As you become accustomed to your braces and tooth alignment improves, this sensation won’t be a concern. Although the brackets have been rounded and smoothed, until the cheek tissues have toughened, you may find it helpful to use a small piece of orthodontic wax around the bracket that is creating the irritation.

Tip #2: Be Confident - Don't worry about how your braces look and don't be embarrassed to smile with your braces. Depending on the type of braces you are treated with, people may not even know you're wearing braces. Be proud and know that your smile will look amazing very soon!

Tip #3:  Know What To Do - Be sure you know what to do if you're experiencing pain or problems with your braces. Before you leave after an adjustment appointment:

Using your finger and tongue, check to see that the wire ends do not extend into areas which might poke or abrade the cheek or tongue.

Make sure you understand what you are to do until your next appointment. This could include wearing elastics as instructed, adjusting an expander or following specific hygiene and diet instructions.

Make sure you have an adequate supply of dental wax, special cleaning aids, elastic bands, or other related materials you may need between appointments.

Always schedule your next appointment before leaving our office. Postponing appointments is a common contributor to extended treatment time.

If a problem arises after your appointment, don't be afraid to call us; chances are it's a simple fix. For more information about adjusting to your braces, visit our website or give us a call at our Mooresville office.

Friday, November 20, 2020

More Than Just a Pretty Smile

Whether it is for health reasons or a confident beautiful smile, there are many benefits to straight teeth. At Quest Johnson Orthodontics, our goal is to provide you with a smile that is confident and healthy. Whether it’s through Invisalign, traditional braces, or clear braces...orthodontics goes beyond just a pretty smile.

Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

1. Healthy Gums: Healthy gums are a foundation to a healthy smile internally. The health of your mouth and your body are all connected, and your gums are an essential foundation to your overall health. When your teeth are spaced out or crowded, it is possible for them to become inflamed, which can be a sign of periodontal disease.

2. Easier to Clean: A great benefit of straight teeth is the ease of keeping your teeth clean…which means a healthier smile. Crowded teeth are difficult to brush and floss properly. Improper brushing and flossing can lead to plaque and tooth decay.

3. Better Digestion: Straight teeth are better for chewing. And chewing is the beginning of the food digestion process. When you chew your food more thoroughly, it helps speed up the digestion process.

4. Clearer Speech: Your teeth play an important role in your speech. If you have teeth that are crowded, gapped or protruding from your mouth, it can affect your speaking patterns negatively.

5. Less Tooth Wear: The straighter your teeth are, the less wear and tear you place on your teeth, gums, and jaw. Biting and chewing alone generate quite a bit of pressure. Properly aligned teeth can handle biting and chewing without problems arising. However, those with bite problems end up putting an excessive amount of stress on their teeth. That can lead to notching at the gum line, fractures, and abnormal flattening of the biting surface. Not only does the damage look bad, but it increases your risk of dental disease. This could lead to expensive dental work in the future.

If you're interested in learning more about how we can help you achieve a straighter, healthier smile through orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign and braces, give our Mooresville orthodontic office a call at (317) 834-4933.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Are You Too Old For Braces?

Orthodontic treatment is no longer just for teens. Many adults are choosing to receive treatment because they understand the importance of maintaining their health, and they want to feel better about their appearance.

Just as straight, white teeth convey youth, a smile with crooked, discolored, or worn teeth is associated with age. Beautifully straight, symmetrical white teeth cannot only make you look younger, but they can dramatically improve your confidence.

As an adult, you might think that your options for having your teeth fixed are limited, but today's orthodontic treatment options offer a variety of braces and appliances that are comfortable, aesthetic, and customized to meet your needs. Depending on your budget and the severity of your orthodontic problem, Drs. Quest and Johnson will discuss your options to ensure your treatment plan fits your lifestyle.

Whether you’re 7 or 70, it’s the same physiological process that moves teeth through bone. Teeth move in response to forces being placed on them over time. Although childhood is the ideal time to make changes in the positioning of the teeth, as long as you are healthy your teeth can be straightened at any age.

Not every type of appliance is suitable for correction of every kind of orthodontic problem. At Quest Johnson Orthodontics, we offer a full range of appliances, and will help you choose the appliance that is right for your orthodontic care.

You are never too old for orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment can be just as successful for adults as it is for children. Don’t let your age keep you from consulting our office.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Braces Make My Breath Stink

Quest Johnson Orthodontics

We understand that bad breath can be uncomfortable to talk about but unfortunately it happens to most people for several different reasons. Bad breath, or halitosis, can be caused by poor oral hygiene, personal habits such as smoking or eating certain foods, or medical problems. The most common factor for bad breath in patients with braces at Quest Johnson Orthodontics is almost certainly caused by poor oral hygiene. 

After getting braces, patients may develop bad breath from not cleaning their teeth correctly. Bacteria feeds on food particles left in your mouth, and this bacteria creates odor. Because braces contain so many small spaces to trap food, the habits that worked great for cleaning your teeth before braces may no longer be enough. It's important to brush immediately after every meal or snack, or to vigorously rinse your teeth with water or mouthwash if you absolutely can't brush. Bad-breath-causing odors and bacteria can also cling to removable orthodontics (like a retainer or clear aligners), so be sure to remove them before eating, even if you're only eating a small amount. 

7 Ways to Prevent Bad Breath While Wearing Braces 

  1. Brush and Floss Often - Follow a strict routine of brushing and flossing regularly. Brush your teeth after breakfast every morning and prior to going to bed. You follow this up with a daily flossing or WaterFlossing to remove any food particles and buildup of plaque between your teeth.
  2. Use Fluoride Mouthwash - Always use your Phos-Flur/OrthoDefense mouthwash in your daily dental routine to help fight gingivitis, plaque, bad breath, and scars on your teeth. 
  3. Stay Hydrated - Dehydration is bad for both your overall health and your oral health as it can increase the chances of bad breath greatly. Drink a lot of water every day to keep your mouth constantly clean and moist. 
  4. Eat the Right Foods - Try to avoid sugary foods as much as possible as they lead to poor dental health which in turn leads to tooth decay and bad breath. 
  5. Use a Water Flosser – The powerful jets of water provided by it is great for cleaning between your braces and gum line…leaving your mouth clean and fresh. 
  6. Keep Breath Mints on Hand - If you've established a proper dental health routine but you still feel self-conscious about having bad breath, you can temporarily freshen your mouth with sugar-free breath mints. 
  7. Schedule Regular Dental Visits - Scheduling regular dental visits will help you keep any tooth and gum problems at bay as well as to rectify any oral health issues that may be contributing to bad breath or affecting your braces. 
For more information on fighting bad breath visit our website or give one of our friendly team members a call...we are here to help.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Choice is Clear

Quest Johnson Orthodontics

Contrary to popular belief…traditional metal braces are not the only choice when it comes to orthodontic treatment.  

Let’s face it…adults worry about the stigma of traditional metal braces and it’s this stigma that may deter many adults from seeking orthodontic treatment. Well, worry no more. Clear braces are discreet and comfortable and clear braces move your teeth just like the traditional metal braces. 

At Quest Johnson Orthodontics, we are proud to provide our adult patients the option of Clarity Ceramic Braces. Ceramic braces are a popular choice for adults who want to make a less noticeable statement with their commitment to a healthier smile. The natural look of these smooth, sculpted and completely clear ceramic braces is gorgeous and they will not stain or discolor. 

While there are other transparent orthodontic devices available, they can’t necessarily correct moderate to severe orthodontic conditions with the effectiveness of bracket-and-wire braces systems. For patients requiring more intensive treatments, but still desiring an increased level of visual discretion, Clarity Ceramic Braces are a great option

You deserve the confidence that comes with having a beautiful smile and with Clarity Ceramic Brackets you'll have a lot to smile about, even before your braces are removed. If you’re considering orthodontic treatment, give Quest Johnson Orthodontics a call. Drs.William Quest and Diane Johnson have been respected providers of orthodontic care in Mooresville, IN for over 20 years. Their top priority is to help you achieve the smile you deserve - a healthy, beautiful one!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Straighter Smiles Available Online

Quest Johnson Orthodontics

You may have noticed lately that some online direct-to-consumer orthodontic companies have been making orthodontic treatment sound cheap and easy. While it may sound great to save money and buy your orthodontic treatment directly online…the reality is you aren’t getting the treatment for less. You are simply purchasing a product and opting out of the many important aspects that make orthodontics work. The money you save today may end up costing you more in future corrective action. 

Orthodontic treatment involves the movement of biological material, which if not done correctly could lead to potentially irreversible and expensive damage such as tooth and gum loss, changed bites, and other issues.

If you are researching orthodontic treatment, here are a few questions you may want to consider:

  • Are you comfortable starting orthodontic treatment without comprehensive diagnostic records?
  • Are you comfortable with orthodontic treatment that does not involve any in-person visits with an orthodontist?
  • Do you know if your teeth and gums are healthy enough for orthodontic treatment?
  • What are the possible risks (financial, health, etc.) associated with your orthodontic treatment?
  • Who is responsible for detecting any issues that may occur during your orthodontic treatment?
  • If an emergency arises during your treatment, how will it be handled and who will be responsible for handling it?

Orthodontic treatment is a major medical procedure. This is precisely why orthodontists, like Dr. Quest and Dr. Johnson, are required to undergo extensive training and education before they can begin performing treatment. Remember…orthodontic treatment is not a product or device. Orthodontic treatment is a professional, medical service. When your care is personally supervised by an orthodontist who is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists, you are assured that your orthodontist spent years in a post-doctoral residency program and has continued to focus only on providing orthodontic treatment to patients.

Before making any decision about orthodontic treatment, we strongly encourage you to schedule a complimentary orthodontic consultation with Quest Johnson Orthodontics. Our team sincerely cares about your smile, and we will take the time to discuss the pros and cons of all your treatment options with you.