Thursday, May 27, 2021

Braces Treatment at Quest Johnson Orthodontics

Your smile has an effect on your whole life; at Quest Johnson Orthodontics, we offer three types of braces to help transform your smile.

Traditional Silver Braces - Traditional Silver Braces are a good, cost-effective option for kids, teens, and adults. Because of their durability and cost-effectiveness, they are the most popular braces used in orthodontics. These brackets are made of stainless steel…this makes the brackets very durable to help prevent breakage. With traditional braces, silver-colored brackets are bonded to the outsides of your teeth. Each bracket has edges known as “wings”. Metal or elastic bands are tied around these wings to hold the orthodontic wire in place. The wire is what actually causes the teeth to move, with the bracket serving as an anchor site on each of your teeth. As you move along in your treatment, the wires will be changed to straighten teeth to your desired result.

Clear Or Ceramic Braces - Ceramic braces are an option to correct your bite and straighten your smile. Ceramic braces work just like traditional silver braces, however, they are made of a tooth-colored ceramic material and are nearly invisible. Many people opt for ceramic braces because they’re less noticeable on the teeth. This can be a huge advantage if you’re considering braces and don’t want to feel self-conscious about wearing them. Ceramic braces are a good choice if you want your braces to be subtle.

Clear Aligners - Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth without the use of metal braces. Invisalign is a series of custom-made clear trays that cover your teeth and gently push them into the proper position over time. Because they are clear and can be taken on and off, they are less noticeable than traditional metal braces. With Invisalign clear aligners there are no metal brackets or wires to detract from your smile while undergoing treatment. Invisalign clear aligners are made from BPA-free plastic, and they are often more comfortable than traditional silver braces. Both teenagers and adults can wear Invisalign. These clear aligners are used to close gaps between teeth, as well as treating overbite, underbite, open bite, crossbite, and overcrowded teeth. However, certain types of orthodontic problems still require braces on the teeth to be corrected.

Dr. Quest and Dr. Johnson are committed to determining which treatment solution is best suited for you. Schedule your complimentary consultation today and smile with confidence tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

5 Common Bite Problems

Our smiles are uniquely ours. However so is our bite. In orthodontics, “bite” refers to the way the upper and lower teeth come together. A bad bite, called a “malocclusion”, happens when teeth meet improperly, or they don’t meet at all.

When a person's teeth or jaws do not fit together properly, orthodontic treatment may be necessary to correct the problem. If left untreated, these orthodontic problems can cause speech difficulty, premature wear of the teeth and protective enamel, and increase the chance of injury to the teeth and jaw joints.

5 Common Orthodontic Problems

1. Crowding - Crowding occurs when teeth have insufficient room to erupt from the gums. This can be a result of big teeth or inadequate space in the jaw or both. This may result in teeth that overlap, are rotated, or take on a crooked/staggered appearance. Crowding is the most common reason for braces. Not only is crowding unattractive, but it has also been linked to periodontal problems and dental decay because it is harder to clean overlapping surfaces.

Possible consequences if crowding is not corrected: Hard toclean; possible cavities, especially in between the teeth; gum disease.

2. Spacing - Spacing problems may be caused by missing teeth, or they may only be a cosmetic or aesthetic issue. Spacing is another popular reason for braces. The opposite of crowding, spacing is most commonly caused by excessive jaw room for the size of the erupting teeth.

Possible consequences if spacing is not corrected: Food gets stuck in open areas. Possible cavities, gum disease.

3. Crossbite - A crossbite occurs when the upper teeth fit inside of lower teeth. This orthodontic problem can be caused by misalignment of teeth or a misalignment of the bone and can affect a single tooth or groups of teeth. Your jaw may shift to one side if not corrected and wear down your tooth enamel.

Possible consequences if a crossbite is not corrected: The jaw shifts to one side; lopsided jaw growth; wearing down of outer layer of the tooth called “enamel”.

4. Underbite - An underbite happens when the lower jaw sits in front of the upper jaw. An underbite impacts tooth wear and adds a stress on your jaw joints. Through orthodontic treatment, these bites can be corrected and help keep you healthy, beyond an aesthetically pleasing smile.

Possible consequences if an underbite is not corrected: Face has “bulldog” appearance; tooth wear; stress on jaw joints.

5. Protrusion – A protrusion occurs when the front teeth stick out (“buck” teeth). Teeth may appear protrusive because the upper jaw is too far forward, the lower jaw is too far back, the teeth grew in at an angle, or a combination of these conditions. Sometimes people who have protrusive front teeth also have a deep bite.

Possible consequences if a protrusion is not corrected: Upper teeth are prone to accidental breaking; hard to comfortably close the mouth and lips, leading to dried out oral tissues followed by tooth decay. Speech problems.

The fact is…untreated problems tend to get worse with time. If you suspect that you or a loved one has one of the five common bite problems, Dr. Quest and Dr. Johnson can help. Make an appointment with Quest Johnson Orthodontics today. You do not need to wait until your dentist refers you.