Thursday, April 27, 2017

SAVE FACE! Get The Word Out

It’s still National Facial Protection Month so we’re spreading the word to our patients to remind everyone to protect faces this spring. As many children and adults gear up to start a new sports season, it’s important to keep faces and heads protected from injuries that can potentially be deadly. 

Did you know spring is one of the busiest times in emergency rooms for mouth and facial injuries? Several of these injuries happen in the spring because they are sports-related accidents that can be easily prevented with the use of sports safety equipment. By utilizing equipment like helmets and mouth guards, children and adults can avoid serious facial injuries.

Just by wearing a mouth guard or helmet, patients can reduce the risk of concussions, knocking out teeth, or breaking jaw bones. Most coaches recommend a mouth guard or helmet, but unfortunately, several athletes stay away from these two very important pieces of equipment because they don’t comprehend the importance of wearing them.

Facial injuries aren’t just painful for patients, they’re also costly. Repairs for injuries can cost up to thousands of dollars, which we understand many people don’t have. As so many of these injuries can be easily prevented, we can’t stress enough the importance of simply wearing a mouth guard or helmet during organized sports and activities. Lastly, this is a good rule of thumb to abide by all year long, and not just in the springtime. If you have any questions regarding facial protection, please contact Quest Johnson Orthodontics at our Mooresville office or our Elwood office.

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