Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Benefits of Adult Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment is often associated with adolescents, but did you know that adults can also benefit greatly from orthodontics? Adult orthodontics has become increasingly popular as more individuals recognize the positive impact it can have on their oral health, self-esteem, and overall well-being.

Adult orthodontics goes beyond cosmetic enhancements. Misaligned teeth and improper bites can lead to various oral health issues, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and excessive wear on tooth surfaces. By correcting the alignment of teeth, orthodontic treatment helps to alleviate these problems, making oral hygiene practices more effective and reducing the risk of dental complications. Straighter teeth are easier to clean, promoting healthier gums and reducing the likelihood of plaque buildup and periodontal issues. By investing in adult orthodontics, individuals can achieve not only a beautiful smile but also a healthier mouth, enhancing their overall oral well-being.

One of the most noticeable benefits of adult orthodontics is the transformation it brings to a person's smile and overall appearance. Straightening crooked or overcrowded teeth can enhance facial symmetry, creating a more harmonious and attractive smile. By addressing dental imperfections, such as gaps or protruding teeth, orthodontic treatment can significantly improve the aesthetics of a person's smile, boosting self-confidence and self-esteem. Feeling proud of one's smile can have a positive impact on personal and professional interactions, leading to increased social confidence.

Adult orthodontics not only aligns teeth but also promotes long-term dental stability. By addressing bite issues, such as overbites, underbites, or crossbites, orthodontic treatment helps to properly distribute the forces during chewing, reducing strain on the jaw joints and minimizing the risk of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ). Additionally, correcting misalignments can prevent excessive tooth wear. By investing in adult orthodontics, individuals can maintain a healthier, more stable bite and protect their dental investments for years to come.

Advancements in orthodontic technology have revolutionized the field, making treatment options more discreet, efficient, and comfortable than ever before. Traditional metal braces are no longer the only choice. Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, have gained popularity among adults due to their nearly invisible appearance and removability, allowing for greater convenience and flexibility. Additionally, accelerated orthodontics, using techniques like high-frequency vibration, can expedite tooth movement and reduce treatment duration. With a range of treatment options available, adult orthodontics can be customized to fit individual preferences and needs.

Some adults may hesitate to pursue orthodontic treatment due to misconceptions, such as the belief that orthodontics is only for children or that treatment will be uncomfortable or disruptive. However, it is important to dispel these misconceptions and highlight the suitability of orthodontics for individuals of all ages. Orthodontic consultations can help individuals understand their treatment options, expected outcomes, and potential discomfort, allowing them to make informed decisions about their oral health and smile.

Adult orthodontics offers numerous advantages, ranging from improved oral health and enhanced aesthetics to long-term dental stability and increased self-confidence. Through advancements in technology and treatment options, orthodontic interventions are now more accessible, comfortable, and discreet than ever before. If you have been considering adult orthodontics, don't let age hold you back from achieving the smile you desire. Consult with Dr. Quest and Dr. Johnson to explore the treatment options available and embark on a journey to transform your smile and boost your overall well-being.



Monday, January 9, 2023

2 Minutes 2 Times A Day

Did you know that dental decay is the most common chronic childhood disease? More than 16 million children in the United States suffer from untreated decay. Your mouth is the gateway to your overall health, and an unhealthy mouth can be linked to diabetes and heart disease.

Together with the American Dental Association (ADA), Quest Johnson Orthodontics recommends that kids, as well as adults, brush their teeth in a soft, circular motion for two minutes, twice a day, and floss daily.

Two minutes twice daily is the optimal prevention brushing regimen as it takes two minutes for fluoride in toothpaste to work. In addition to allowing time for fluoride to work, there is the physical massage of the tooth surfaces that removes the plaque and makes a clean surface for the fluoride to do its job. When the enamel absorbs fluoride, it makes the tooth surface harder and more resistant to the bacteria-produced acids that cause tooth decay.

Beginning with the eruption of the first tooth, parents should begin brushing their child’s teeth with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste. The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives recommends that parents supervise their child’s brushing until age 8. Supervising your child’s brushing gives you an opportunity to teach them how to brush. Please remember that a baby or toddler should never use fluoride toothpaste unsupervised or independently.

It is also important to floss at least once a day, to clean in between the teeth where the toothbrush can’t reach. Parents should start flossing their child’s teeth as soon as they notice that teeth are touching…which could be as early as two years of age.

The benefits of brushing for 2 minutes:

  •  Clean teeth
  •  Healthy gums
  •  Nice breath has videos to help your child brush the recommended 2 minutes each time. It can be fun to play the video for your kids to watch while brushing to get them started with this healthy habit.

If you need additional tips and tricks for better brushing habits, feel free to contact our Mooresville, Indiana Orthodontic office.