Tuesday, February 21, 2023

5 Things You Didn't Know About Your Teeth

Quest Johnson Orthodontics

Our teeth are not only essential for chewing and smiling; they play a significant role in our overall health and well-being. While we may think we know everything about our pearly whites, there are surprising facts and hidden secrets that can shed new light on dental care. Below are five intriguing things you didn't know about your teeth. Understanding these lesser-known facts can help you prioritize oral hygiene and maintain a radiant smile for years to come.

  1. Teeth Are Stronger Than You Think - Despite their small size, teeth are remarkably strong and durable. They are composed of the hardest substance in the human body, enamel. Enamel is the outermost layer of your teeth that protects the underlying dentin and pulp. However, enamel is not invincible and can still be damaged by factors like poor oral hygiene, acidic foods, or teeth grinding.
  2. Your Teeth Are Unique Like Your Fingerprint - Just like your fingerprints, your teeth have their own distinct characteristics. Factors such as tooth shape, alignment, and bite patterns contribute to this individuality.
  3. Oral Health Reflects Overall Health - The state of your oral health can provide valuable insights into your overall well-being. Research has revealed associations between oral health and conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, and even pregnancy complications. Understanding this connection underscores the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene practices, including regular dental check-ups, to prevent and manage oral diseases and potentially reduce the risk of systemic health issues.
  4. Your Teeth Have Their Own Lifespan - Contrary to popular belief, teeth are not indestructible and do not last a lifetime without proper care. The average lifespan of natural teeth can vary, but with proper oral hygiene and regular dental care, they can serve you well throughout your life. However, factors like tooth decay, gum disease, and trauma can shorten their lifespan.
  5. Your Teeth Hold Clues to Your Past - Your teeth hold more than just the memories of your childhood smiles; they also hold clues to your past. Dental professionals can gather valuable information about your age, diet, and overall health by examining your teeth. Additionally, researchers can study dental remains to gain insights into ancient populations' diets, migration patterns, and even evidence of diseases like dental caries or periodontal conditions.

Exploring the lesser-known aspects of our teeth reveals the intricacies and importance of oral health. From their surprising strength and individuality to their connection with overall health and historical significance, our teeth are truly remarkable. By embracing this knowledge, we can prioritize proper oral hygiene, seek regular dental care, and nurture our smiles for a lifetime…because a healthy smile goes far beyond appearances, it's a reflection of our overall well-being.


Monday, February 6, 2023

Helpful Tips for New Orthodontic Patients

Quest Johnson Orthodontics

As a new patient at Quest Johnson Orthodontics, we know that you may not be excited about wearing your braces, but we also know that when all is said and done, you will be thrilled with the results of your new smile.

Adjusting to something new can be a little confusing and overwhelming. Fortunately, braces are pretty low maintenance, but there are a few things you can do to make your orthodontic experience more effective and comfortable.

  • Know What to Expect - When you first get braces, it’s perfectly normal for your teeth and mouth to be sore and/or tender. Your lips, cheeks, and gums may also be irritated for up to two weeks while they get used to the braces. Try a saltwater rinse or over-the-counter pain reliever to help reduce the amount of pain or discomfort you feel. It’s also important to remember that Dr. Quest and Dr.Johnson are experts in their field, and they’ve had to go through extensive training in order to do what they do. Make sure that you’re listening to their advice, being honest with them during check-ups and tightening appointments, and most importantly, that you’re allowing them to properly guide you through your treatment.
  • Watch What You Eat and Drink - Your diet plays a huge role in the success of your orthodontic treatment. You should eat less crunchy foods throughout treatment just to be on the safe side. Things like tough meats, nuts, popcorn, and chewy and hard candy should be eaten very carefully so as not to cause any damage. Additionally, foods that are high in sugars and starches should be consumed in small quantities. As far as beverages go, sodas, juices and coffees are technically okay in small, infrequent doses, but it’s best to stick with plain water whenever possible. Not only does water lack the sugar that plays a huge role in causing tooth decay, but also helps to keep the mouth clean and free of any extra particles or leftover food that could get stuck between your teeth.
  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene - Orthodontic patients should brush after every meal to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Be sure to brush for at least two minutes and to reach the front, back, and top of each tooth. We also recommend that you floss every evening before bed so that food particles and germs don’t attack your teeth and gums. We want your teeth to be just as healthy after braces as they were before! If you don’t commit to an effective brushing and flossing routine throughout the course of your treatment, plaque can build-up beneath the brackets and will likely go unnoticed until your braces come off, and when they do, the white, permanent stains will show. Mastering a great oral hygiene routine will ensure that when your braces finally come off, you’ll have a beautiful new smile that’s completely ready to be shown off!
  • Be Confident - Don't worry about how your braces look and don't be afraid or embarrassed to smile with your braces. Depending on the type of braces you are treated with, people may not even know you are wearing braces. Be proud and flash those pearly whites often!

Lastly, be sure you know what to do if you are experiencing pain or problems with your braces. Before you leave our office, feel for any poking wires so you can have us correct the agitation and avoid pain. If a problem arises after your appointment, do not be afraid to call us; chances are it's a simple fix.

Being an active participant in your treatment is key! For more information about adjusting to your braces, visit our website or give Quest Johnson Orthodontics a call.